Self-Care Matters (7-Week Course)
Self-Care Matters (7-Week Course)
"What can I do to be well and stay well?"
Take the Self-Care Matters course and feel the power of being better able to care for yourself! Self-Care Matters is an online course to support you and your communities in developing high-levels of self-care.
The course runs for 7 weeks and uses a 3 Parts of the Mind model and 5 Dimensions of Self-Care to simplify self-care and expand capacity for improved health and well-being in sustainable ways. In the face of the pandemic, your Self-Care Matters!
For more information, please go to www.learninsideout.online

Worksite Wellness Initiatives
Worksite Wellness Initiatives
Cultivate Thinking, Doing, and Being Well
at your Workplace
Employee Wellness Training
Inside Out Ventures provides innovative customized approaches to cultivating organizational well-being with a focus on:
- Self-care and personal well-being impacting the organization
- Individual/team strengths and talents
- Leading and managing a workforce from a healthy place
- Communication and accountability skills
- Increased vitality, leadership, and a more positive team culture with decreased absenteeism.
- Greater self-awareness, confidence, and effective job performance
Break Room Boosters - What's in your break room?
- Energize your Workforce!
- Provide high-grade nutritional snacks (fuel) to restore energy levels
and mental focus
- Activate brain power and alertness through mindful movement

Schedule your consultation today.
Schedule your consultation today.
Pricing for Individual, School, and Corporate Packages Available Upon Request -
Phone, In-Person, and Video Sessions Available
Pricing for Individual, School, and Corporate Packages Available Upon Request -
Phone, In-Person, and Video Sessions Available
Please feel free to contact me at celeste@insideoutventures.com